I personally love a bit of an energy- kick for my workouts after taking a pre-workout. I tend to take pre-workout in cycles, so I have periods of when I take it quite frequently, and then periods of time when I don't use it for months. I will explain later in this article why I do this.
Some people love pre-workouts, but it's not a supplement for everyone or every workout. Let's look in to some of the pro's and con's:
Beneficial effects pre-workout may have on your training and results:
- Enhance your energy and endurance
- Boost your strength and pump
- Assist in muscle maintenance & growth
- Increase fat releasing, calorie burning and aid in weight loss
If you train harder, you burn more calories, and the effect of muscle maintenance and growth also supports greater fat loss. The more muscle mass you have the quicker your resting metabolism rate will be. This simply means, that you will be burning more calories (and fat) even at rest if you have more muscle on your body! Alongside that, ingredients like Citric Acid benefits fat burning by helping the body to process fats and carbohydrates.
- Enhance concentration, focus and mood
Ingredients like L-Tyrosine help relieve stress and depression, burnout, anxiety, and mental fatigue. It also improves alertness and enhances cognitive performance.
Side effects of pre-workout
Pre-workouts also have some side-effects that it's important to be aware of
- Stressful on your adrenal glands if not used correctly
- May make you feel a tingly, weird sensation (which some people don't like)
- Can make some people feel nauseous/ jittery or anxious
- Trouble sleeping
- Understand what you are taking
Have a look in to the ingredients of your pre-workout. Read one of my previous article that goes through the ingredients in my Women's Best pre-workout. CLICK HERE
Tips for when using pre-workout
Tip 1: Use the recommended dosage. Never double up your dose- if you feel like doing this- have a break instead :)
Tip 2: Never mix your pre-workout with another stimulant like coffee.
Tip 3: Use in cycles. Remember to have breaks from your pre-workout to not gfatigue your adrenal glands. whenever you feel like you need more than one dose- have a minimum two week break.
Where I get my sports supplements from to supplement my healthy, active lifestyle: www.womensbest.com.au
Instagram: @womensbest
Snapchat: womensbest